
Alpin Space

Project: Pilot Action Art. 10 Eastern Alps Alpine Space ERDF – Protection and recovery of settlements in small Alpine villages.
Dates: 1999-2001
Client: Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia – Servizio autonomo per lo sviluppo della montagna (Department for the Development of Mountain Areas)
Regione Veneto (Lead Partner)
Centro regionale di catalogazione e restauro di Villa Manin – Passariano
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Land di Salisburgo (Austria)
Salzburger Institut für Raumordnung und Wohnen
Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia

Project description:

Objective of the project was the identification of a correct policy for safeguarding the environment and human settlements for the purpose of revitalizing mountain territories from a social and economic point of view and for a an overall improvement of the quality of life.

Technical-scientific activity carried out:

Analysis and study of a shared European methodology for the safeguard and preservation of the architectural and environmental assets of the historical settlements of the eastern Alpine area and the upgrading of small Alpine villages. Analysis and draft of an inventory of the original sources of documents, cadastres, photographs and iconographic sources. Singling out case studies and formulation of cards.