
Recover Project

Project: RECOVER - Recovery of rural villages as an opportunity for economic development
Dates: 2005-2007
Client: Agenzia Regionale Turismo FVG (Regional Agency for Tourism)
Municipality of Marsciano – Umbria
Development Agency Olympia Sa – Province of Ilia – Western Greece
Municipality of Stritez nad Loudinou – Moravia –Czecs Republic

Project description:

The project had as its main aim the economic development of the weaker territories through the identification of strategies for the improvement of underutilized and abandoned rural architectural heritage and its re-conversion in new economic destinations ensuring new work opportunities.

Technical-scientific activity carried out:

Scientific and technical co-ordinator of the trans-national group of experts.

Formulation of the methodology for the recovery and improvement of rural settlements that are grouped together and scattered and of the guidelines for the preparation of technical manuals on how to correctly restore the architectural elements.

Formulation of examples of cards for the gathering of data aimed at drawing up the inventory of the rural-historical heritage.